UM FILES: The Power of Document Management System
Take the hassle out of managing, finding and tracking information and processes across your company. With the UMFiles®, you can easily and efficiently automate your business processes and workflows – without expensive training and setup.
With the UMFiles®, file redundancy and data loss issues disappear, workflow is streamlined and information reuse is maximized. The result is improved business processes, increased productivity and lower costs.
Key Benefits
- Organize & manage any document file type
- Adaptation to the existing filing structure
- Metadata & Versioning Management
- Enhanced & flexible Content Search
- Workflow & e-sign capabilities
- Access any document, using any device, any time
Finding documents is extremely flexible and fast – searches can include document contents in addition to properties or metadata.
Paper documents can be automatically imported to UM-Files® from a scanner or a copy machine.
UM-Files® integrates seamlessly with the familiar Windows environment and all Windows applications, providing an interface common to everyone and ensuring the entire organization consistently adopts the system. This is a critical element of a successful implementation.
UM-Files® includes a web based interface, enabling remote access from any platform including the Macintosh and PCs running Linux.
Version history is automatically stored so that old versions of a document are always accessible.
UM-Files® “Check in” and “Check out” functions eliminate the risk of lost work caused when changes are over-written when files are accessed and edited by multiple individuals.
Managing document access and modification permissions is easy and flexible.
UM-Files® unique “Virtual-Local” drive is extremely fast and reliable, enabling fast “local” performance and “offline” use with automatic intelligent synchronization when traveling or when the server becomes unavailable due to a network outage or at times of high server loads.
UniPath’s Document Management System is based on M-Files technologies.